
What is Fitness?

Fitness means different things to different people.

By no means do I think it's being in the kind of shape to be a trainer! And by no means do I think you should have the knowledge of a trainer either. We are all learning. And if we are trying to be fit then that's more than half of America is doing anyways! Fitness is just about being better than you were yesterday, working toward your personal best! The best YOU that you can be.

So, if you look up "fitness" in the dictionary, it's plain and simple. It says "health." That's it. Health. I tend to believe that it's mind, body, and soul health. You can exercise your brain just as much as your body. Right? Right.

Fitness to me is always learning, growing, putting healthy things into your body, feeding your soul, laughing more than crying, living a healthy lifestyle, saying NO to unhealthy things more than saying yes. We all need a Hershey bar sometimes!

Truth is, The picture of health is different for everyone. It's like being a parent. The perfect parent (no such thing) is different to everyone. You have your own ideas. But whatever your idea is, you have the best interest of your kids in mind. Same goes for fitness. You have the best interest of YOURSELF in mind.

Fitness is a process. It's not instant. You have to make a choice everyday. You have to constantly commit and recommit yourself. Your mind plays a huge role. In fact, most people who are fitness fans practice personal development too. Its a spiritual process. Mind, body and soul, remember?

You have to WANT it. And you have to WORK FOR IT. Have fun with it! Change up your routine. Fitness doesn't mean you have to be a marathon runner (unless you "run for fun" of course!) Go on a hike, go to a trampoline park with your kids (you'll feel that the next day for sure!) go on a bike ride! Yes, you'll want to commit to a program as well. Someone to teach you workout moves and nutrition are very important. But by all means, take a day off and go for a walk with your toddler as your fitness for the day! It's about Balance.

So, fitness is health. Fitness is strength, inner and outer. Fitness is knowing your body and what you need. And you'll get there, I promise! Take the leap!

Balance = Faith, Family, and Fitness.

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