
Homemade Candy Cane Sugar Scrub

It's gift time! This Candy Cane Sugar Scrub is useful, easy to make, pretty, and festive! You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already, score!

1. White Granulated Sugar (the regular stuff)
2. Coconut Oil
3. Red fruit juice
4. Peppermint Essential Oil
5. Mason Jar

First, you want to mix a bowl of about 2 cups of sugar with about 1/2 a cup of melted coconut oil. Here's the thing, I'm Italian, we don't measure, so this is a guestimate. You want your mixture to look like the consistency of wet sand, the kind that is perfect for sand castle building!

Next, mix sugar with juice! I used cranberry, but any red juice, such as raspberry will work also. You can also use a food coloring, but that makes me nervous since it's going on skin! You want equal amounts of white and red mixtures.

In each mixture, add about 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil. I use Young Living, because I think it's the best there is! Peppermint is soothing, refreshing and a natural anti-inflammatory.

Open your mason jar and layer the white and red sugar mixtures. At the very top, I add about 2 teaspoons of melted coconut oil to blend down to the bottom. Next, you can decorate your jar, add a little homemade tag, or leave as is! Perfect gift that shows you've really put some thought and time into creating it, since it's handmade!

And enjoy!

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