

Hi Friends, you may have been wondering where I went?! I'm always actively posting on my Facebook page, but my blogging has taken a bit of a backseat lately. I gotta tell you, this pregnancy has really been taking a toll on me. I don't know if this little bundle of joy is possibly a boy (stay tuned later this month!) or maybe it's just that I'm 5 years older now and have a 4 year old to chase around, but this pregnancy has been MUCH harder on me than my first. It's the best reason to feel awful, right?!?

Fitness wise, I've been struggling a bit. First, I'm just very very very tired. Being a mom of a 4 and 14 year old in my home, I'm busy! No time for the occasional nap like my first pregnancy. And sometimes the tired-ness bring me down, down to the couch that is! Plus, I had a scare in my first trimester and I am just a little nervous about working out too hard with the baby. I know deep down that it will be okay, but a pregnant mommy still lets the worry get the best of her! Also, this kiddo wants CARBS, and LOTS of them. I've been doing pretty good with my nutrition, and keeping up with my Shakeology of course, but I have indulged in some foods that I wouldn't normally. And I'm giving myself a break on that! Pregnancy cravings are no joke, and it's really a good time to eat some carbs and not feel guilty, so I'm not letting myself feel guilty about it! My pregnancy is a healthy one, so I'm okay with the occasional donut (gasp!)

Thanks for letting me be real! 19 weeks and counting! Baby will arrive early May.

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