
Momming isn't easy

Is what you're putting out there what you want them to see? This quote was revealed to me today. And I placed it on a photo of my girl so that I will remember.

I don't know if you remember when I shared that my new strategy for reading my Bible is to pray, then open and read. God has been showing me exactly what I need to see.

Well, recently it's been put on my heart to pray for myself as a mother. And God has been showing me that I need to be a more gentle mother... And wife! In fact, I need to be more gentle in all areas. Friends, I'm not a very gentle person. I'm kinda like a herd of elephants in the way I approach situations. It goes against the grain for me. But in my prayers, in humbling myself before God, He has told me not to be afraid. My prayers have been heard. And He is showing me how, and helping me, to be a better and more effective parent.

My little girl has gone through so many changes in the last 6 months, from my bedrest complicating our lives in so many ways, to Nixon's birth, to starting kindergarten, this little one who is already so resistant to change (she got it from her mama) has been thrown through the ringer. And so gentleness is what she needs. Showing her God's unconditional love and promises through her mommy's undying devotion to her. That's my mission. And it's a work in progress for sure.

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