
Live Sneak Peek Into Coaching

Eeeek! This is exciting! My Mentor, Kim, and myself will be hosting a LIVE LIVE LIVE Sneak Peek into coaching this Wednesday on Facebook. You can log in and see us LIVE on video and also be able to ask questions in real time. The videos are saved and you can then access them at any time, and still comment with your question even after the event has concluded.

In The BelieveFit Empire, we are a team of women, moms, sisters who strive to build one another up, encourage & serve others, and build a legacy for our families. Together, we set goals, commit to the process, persevere, and change lives!

Wonder what it means to be a Beachbody Coach? This is where we will share a "sneak peek" behind the curtain. You'll get insight into how a coach earns income, what a day in the life of a coach looks like, and we will even share what our concerns were coming into this business (i.e. No, you don't need to be a salesperson to be successful!)

Check back this Wednesday evening, for a LIVE one hour glimpse to learn about an opportunity that can change your fitness, your finances and your life. The event will take place right on this page, and we are opening spots for 5 go-getters to personally mentor as new coaches on our team!

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