
MomLife: Choose Joy

Momlife. It's one phrase that has become so popular in 2016. Seriously, go to the hashtag, you'll see all the #momlife entries. But what is momlife? Some bloggers would have you think that it's this amazing experience that only the best of the best can appreciate, some would have you thinking that momlife is the most exhausting, life sucking experience you've ever embarked on.

I say, it's a daily challenge. Every single day, I'm presented with something new. It's never boring. And it can be amazing and draining at the same time. We moms have to accept the challenge to choose joy every single day, even if we step on that same lego for the 15th time. Why? Because our kids DESERVE a joyful parent.

I struggle. You struggle. Let's support each other and learn some strategies to always be able to see the gospel in our kids, to choose joy daily, and to end the mommy wars that are another popular battle these days. None of us has it all right. But all of us can enjoy the ride with a joyful heart. It's HARD, I know, I'm in it. But I also know that my children are my WORLD. And they should feel that way.
This group will be faith based, offer daily accountability, support, prayers, and readings and tips to put your best foot forward for your children. To choose joy! It's an online group that will mimic what you would find in a MOPS group study, but online to work with our schedules! I have a study book for the material that I will be presenting, and some of my own thoughts and readings and scripture that have touched my heart as a mother.

Join me in the Facebook group, challenge starts October 10:

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