
Why not you

Omgosh I LOVE this quote posted by a gal in my fitness group!

We have a group of almost 30 ladies, all committed to having a healthy & balanced holiday season! Goals are flying left and right! Lose weight, NOT gain weight during the holidays (for real, who doesn't agree?!) build muscle, run a mile, etc! Their energy is infectious! So darn motivating!
This week, we're checking in with motivational quotes, checking in after we've done our work out, sharing encouragement, and we've all been sharing our meal prep tips and recipes. 🙌🏼
Want to be successful? Wonder why some people are and some people struggle? Biggest piece of advice-- Get accountability and surround yourself with people who are like-minded. ✨it's the SECRET SAUCE, and one of the biggest reasons I became a coach, to surround myself with people who would challenge me to be better, and that's exactly what I found. I became more positive and optimistic! Score!

You don't have the perfect scenario to start, and there will NEVER be a "right" time, you just have to start. It's a lifestyle, you'll still have an awesome holiday season, I'm certainly not giving the things I love most! And I don't have to, neither do you!
Cut out the negative, fill it with positive, and go for it! Be the woman you WANT to be. Just ask yourself "why not me?" There's not a good answer to that, am I right?!

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