
New foods

Okay so, if you follow my fitness posts, you know I'm a health coach, I love clean eating, and making food taste good. Enter my latest challenge: No/extremely limited dairy, and very little meat. My son is allergic to dairy (and eggs) and since I'm nursing, my dairy intake messes with his tummy and his skin. In the meantime, I've started feeling REALLY bad when I have dairy. So that's a bummer cause I love cheese. Also, I've noticed I just feel better when I have a plant based diet. So there's been an effort to reduce dairy and meat. Sticking with organic and non gmo whenever possible and necessary! 

Here's my dinner tonight! I totally went outside my comfort zone and bought a blend of lentils, peas, and barley. I cooked that seasoned with pink salt, cumin, and chili powder. Added pinto beans and corn. Then sautéed mushrooms, spinach and red onion with garlic and olive oil. Added that! And next, I made an avocado sauce with 1 avocado, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 basil leaf, pink salt, half lemon squeeze, cumin, garlic, red pepper flakes (all to taste). 

This is SO good! It's my Costco week, so we don't have a lot of groceries I normally would. If I make this again, it would be great with some orange peppers, and if you like tomatoes, add those too (I dislike them). And spice up the avocado sauce with cilantro, lime, and jalapeño! 

So my advice, don't shy away from the lentils! It was easy! And delicious. Experiment with food, eliminate foods that make you feel bad, and meat is totally negotiable 😘


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