
31 Days of Fitness- Day 18

Day 18 workout coming at ya! This one is focused on Mom Ab Rehab, but it's really for anyone!

Comment in the group when done!

ALSO! I wanted to let you know that some giveaways are coming soon to my Facebook Fan Page, so like the page so you can get in on the action! Log into your FB and CLICK HERE then like the page.

Fit Tip:

Having trouble sticking to your training program? Put your money where your motivation is. In a recent Mayo Clinic study, people who received $20 every time they achieved their monthly weight-loss goal — or lost $20 if they didn’t — dropped nearly seven more pounds than those with no money at stake. Both and Gympact (for iPhone and Android) can help you pad your pocket by wagering with others on your goals.

Also, think about betting WITH yourself. Put a new outfit at stake for reaching your fitness goal, you reach the goal, you get the outfit. Make these goals SMALL GOALS. You want to give yourself a win! Each time you achieve a small goal, you get a reward, and it keeps you motivated until the next large goal. And another tip, don't reward yourself with food. You aren't a doggy. And those rewards are not helping you reach your goals. Here's a list of things you can reward yourself with that do not involve food!

1. Buy a new book.

2. Get a manicure.

3. Buy yourself a new outfit, in a smaller size!

4. Go see a movie.

5. A massage. Yes, please!

6. Girl's night out.

7. A new nail polish.

8. New workout clothes.

9. Buy that home decor piece you've been wanting.

10. Buy a new cookbook.

11. Buy yourself flowers.

12. Take a day off work.

13. Try a Spray Tan.

14. Pay yourself! Give yourself a dollar for each workout you do each month.

15. Date night!


This is my absolute favorite snack! I must confess, sometimes I eat it for lunch!

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