
31 Days of Fitness- Day 26

Workout: We are at it again with abs! 10 minutes of DEDICATED ab work! If you have 21 Day Fix, do the 10 Min Ab workout that's available at the end of each disc. If you have another Beachbody workout, you'll find ab workouts on your disks as well! If you don't have any, just follow along with one of these!

--Office Ab Workout
--Pilates Abs (and a Firm Butt!)
--Simple Ab Workout

Fit Tip:

Working out is more fun and more effective when done with a partner, group, trainer, or coach. You'll just have better results and be more likely to stick with it! Take the Fit and Fierce Challenge for February! You won't be disappointed, and if you are, there's a money back guarantee so you're covered!

The Fit & Fierce challenge focuses on your your individual goals. As your personal health and fitness coach, I'm all ears! Together, we will identify your fitness goals, and get you into a private group of challengers (people just like you!) for support, accountability and encouragement. We will figure out your individual caloric needs to reach optimal results. We will also figure out how many calories you need to burn, and which workouts you'll conquer to reach your goal. Not all workouts are created equal, you'll need a specific fitness regimen to reach your individual goal. This is not a cookie cutter program, everyone is different. And that's why it works, it is tailored to YOU. Once we assess your goals, we'll choose a Challenge Pack (workout program) that fits your individual needs, preferred fitness style, and goals. A coach is like your cheerleader, confidant, friend, and personal question answerer!


Egg Cups! I love these because you can make a bunch, and you can take them on the go!

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