
31 Days of Fitness- Day 31

You've made it!!! 31 Days of Fitness, Health, and putting yourself as a priority! If you finished the group, consider yourself STRONG! You are in the minority! But, now you've made a habit, don't lost it. Keep pushing, keep prioritizing yourself and your health, keep moving forward, and just keep swimming in the wise words of Dory!

Let's finish with a strong upper body with Tony Horton!

Fit Tip:

The scope of your New Year’s resolutions is just as important as the resolutions themselves. Sure, you want to lose weight and build strength, but do your resolutions line up with where you want to be in 10 years? Research published in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine suggests that we’re more likely to meet our short-term goals if they align with our broader life goals. One explanation has to do with what researchers call “self-determination theory” —we’re more likely to change our behavior to reach goals that are intrinsically motivated. Put another way, “you’re more likely to stick to a weight loss goal if you’re motivated by feeling healthier than fitting in a smaller clothing size,” says study author Brie Turner-McGrievy, PhD, MS, RD, an assistant professor of health promotion, education, and behavior at the University of South Carolina. Via Team Beachbody.

Sooooo, take a minute and reconsider your resolution that you made a month ago. Will it change? That's okay! Is it attainable? Are you intrinsically motivated to reach it? Meaning are you motivated by something within your soul, rather than something external. Will this resolution set your soul on fire?!?! Does it align with life goals? Is it going to better your health? I really hope you'll continue on a health journey with me! I would love to have you! If you've thought about coaching, read on here. If you've had trouble finding peace within yourself, read more about my story here. And if you want to take a fitness challenge with me, sign up here!


Today, I leave you with some meal planning tips to take into next month!

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