
31 Days of Fitness- Day 4

It's Day 4, you're rocking my socks off so far!

To recap, go here!

Today, we are talking about working out with friends... we'll get to that. But I have to wonder if any of you are like me and don't have the time to get out of the house WITH a friend? I've got my kids and I work from home, there isn't a whole lot of ME-TIME left. But, I still need accountability and support, so I turned to a VIRTUAL workout group! A friend said "workout with me through facebook, we'll hold each other accountable and it will be great." She introduced 21 day fix to me, and I was a MAJOR skeptic. But I tried it, mostly because I was so afraid of offending her! I joined a Facebook 21 Day fix group with her as my virtual coach, and I LOVED IT! And bonus, I hit some major goals! I have a challenge just like this, a virtual group for 21 Day Fix, that is starting on January 11th. You can learn more about my challenge here, and you can RSVP to the Facebook event page here <-- and get a sneak peek of my personal results! The group is similar to this one, with over 100 people just like you reaching goals and supporting and encouraging each other. And you workout on YOUR time! Isn't that great?! Okay, today's workout!

Piyo Tricep Dips

This is one of my favorite moves from Piyo, with Chalene Johnson. <---- If you don't know about Piyo, you're missing out! Click the link for more info. This is a total body workout, Chalene breaks it into steps for you. Go at your own pace. I would love to see you guys do these Tricep dips for a solid minute at each of the two steps that Chalene describes, one with the tap behind the heel, and one extending the leg out, as shown in the video. Fit Tip:

What's the one thing that you will really miss now that the holidays have passed? I'll bet it's the get togethers with your friends and family. It seems that it's so difficult to get together throughout the year, but at the holidays, we always MAKE the time, amIright? Now that the holiday is over, make a commitment to get together with friends for a workout. Not only does exercising with a buddy boost motivation and exercise adherence, but it can also help you exercise 24 percent longer, according to a recent study at Michigan State University. Can’t find a partner? Sign up for a free Team Beachbody account and get support from ME as your Coach and connect with thousands of Team Beachbody members! Talk about accountability!


Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

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