
Getting Pregnant

Since getting pregnant with my second, it's been on my heart to think about those that struggle with infertility. With my first daughter, my husband and I got a little *surprise* as she was totally unexpected. You never realize how many people get pregnant while taking birth control until it happens to you! Not really "happened to me," she's a total welcomed blessing! But it was truly shocking. When my husband and I FINALLY (as all the family says) decided it was time for our second, I thought it was going to be a piece of cake! First try right?!? I mean we conceived the first without even trying, truly this must be easy when you're actually trying? Right? Wrong.

It took us 4 months to conceive our second. And trust me friends, I KNOW that this is by no means a "long time." Anything under a year is totally normal. And some of your have been trying for multiple years. But wow, each time that test read negative or I started my period, the disappointment was tangible. It was downright painful.

So to those who have been trying for so very long, my prayer for you is that God blesses you with a baby this Christmas. I can't imagine waiting longer than my brief four months. So for you superstars, you are amazing. You are strong.

31 Day of Fitness

It's almost the New Year! I am going to have some kick butt challenge groups for you, so stay tuned for all the details to be released!

To start, I am kicking off 2016 with a fun and FREE challenge. The challenge will be 3 fold! You will get a daily workout circuit, a daily fitness tip, and a recipe to try on your own time!

To participate, just join our private facebook group. I ask that there be only positive vibes shared and be respectful to other participants. That you post daily in the group when your workout is completed so that we can cheer you on, and that you have a good time!

The private support group will run via Facebook. You can join the group by logging into your facebook and requesting to join! Just click here!

The group will start on January 1, 2016.

What to Eat BEFORE your morning workout?

I'm asked this question a lot. And there's a general rule of thumb, NOTHING. But there's also exceptions that I'll outline for you!

First off, the reason I say "nothing" is because you really don't want to make yourself sick if you eat too much and then challenge yourself on a tough workout. Challengers have been known to have to vomit half way through, it's not fun. But yes, there are some exceptions. If you are eating regularly, you probably have enough glycogen stored from the day before to get you through an early morning workout. Drink a big glass of water and get going! An early morning workout is NOT a workout that takes place more than an hour after you wake. Your body slows itself on burning up glycogen while you are sleeping, but resumes once you are awake. Also, if you are eating super lean because you are training, you likely DO NOT have the glycogen stored from the day before. If you are not sure, do a little experiment. Chomp down a small banana before your workout, then get moving. Did you feel better than when you don't eat, especially toward the end of your workout? Then you're using your glycogen overnight and need that little pre-workout snack, keep eating your banana daily. You can also add about 100 calories of CARBS to your evening meal the night before, that glycogen will save up for the morning workout. After workout, grab a small meal of carbs of protein, like yogurt with fruit. Or drink your Shakeology!

Another exception, cardio workouts! Cardio workouts having your booty moving, moving, moving. Personally, I don't eat before cardio because it eliminates the chance of me getting sick, or getting side cramps! Again, RIGHT when you wake up!

Here's Autumn Calabrese's SEVEN tips for pre-workout! Check it out, she's got some great stuff and you know she's one of my favorite trainers and I believe the most effective trainer out there!

If you are choosing the "nothing" option, you may feel like you don't have the energy to get through your workout. To fuel your workouts, you can add in the new ENERGIZE formula from the Performance Line Up! Energize will help you blast through your toughest workouts with a surge of energy to sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer—because every ounce of extra energy means better results. Energize contains key ingredients scientifically shown to buffer lactic acid buildup and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue, improve performance, and help you push with maximum intensity.

Autumn talks PERFORMANCE LINE! Check it out!

A few notes about Energize, because these are the questions that I would ask if I were you!

Why is Energize better than other energy products?

You get a safe boost of energy (without jittery side effects). Thank goodness, I hate that jittery feeling.

It's a powerful combination of ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients and phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients) that are scientifically shown to help improve exercise performance, sharpen focus, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue.

It contains functional ingredients that have been scientifically shown to work. Other products include gimmicky ingredients with no evidence that they work.

Key ingredients are included at their clinically established effective dosage levels.

-----> No artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives <----- What are the key ingredients in Energize? Why is it better, more state of the art, than my other pre-workout formula?

Dr. Nima discusses the ingredients, efficacy, body comfort, color, and the science behind Energize and compares it to other products. Always be educated and informed on your products. It's just a few minutes, give it a watch!

This amino acid helps reduce lactic acid buildup in your muscles, which helps to delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue so you can push harder and last longer. Numerous scientific studies show that beta-alanine is especially effective at helping to improve performance during intense exercise.

Low-dose caffeine (from green tea)
Low-dose caffeine has been shown to be ergogenic, which means it helps enhance performance, improve reaction time and focus, and reduces exercise-induced muscle fatigue. From recreational exercisers to elite athletes, studies show that it can give you both a mental and physical boost.

This powerful performance-enhancing phytonutrient gets a lot of attention in leading exercise physiology-nutrition laboratories because it can help improve endurance and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue to help you get through your workouts and give you a competitive edge.

You can order Energize by the tub here.

Chocolate Superfood Bites

There's a few qualities that I look for in snacks...

1. Healthy
2. EASY to prepare
3. Contains chocolate!
4. Versatile

This one ticks off every box! I love it because you can use different toppings, just whatever toppings you may have on hand really! And you could even serve these at a potluck, how great is that?

Chocolate Superfood Bites

Total Time: 17 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 2 min.
Yield: 24 servings, 1 bite each

8 oz. dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces
12 Tbsp. raw pistachio pieces
12 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
12 Tbsp. unsweetened dried cranberries
1 tsp. coarse sea salt (or Himalayan salt) (optional)

1. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
2. Place chocolate in a microwave-safe glass measuring cup. Microwave for 60 seconds on 50%; stir. Microwave for another 30 seconds on 50%; stir. Repeat until chocolate is completely melted. If needed, microwave for an additional 30 seconds on 50%. Do not overcook. Chocolate will melt as you stir it.
3. Use a spoon to make twenty four small rounds of chocolate onto the parchment paper.
4. Working while chocolate is still warm, sprinkle chocolate rounds evenly with nuts, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, and salt (if desired).
5. Let the chocolate set in the refrigerator.

Tip: The higher the percentage of cacao in chocolate the better. Look for chocolate that is at least 70% cacao.

21 Day Fix: 1 yellow, 1/2 orange.

• The following raw nuts (alone or in combination) can be substituted for pistachios: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, or walnuts.
• The following seeds (alone or in combination) can be substituted for pumpkin seeds: chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, or sunflower seeds.
• The following unsweetened dried fruits (alone or in combination) can be substituted for cranberries: apricots, blueberries, mangoes, raisins, or tart red cherries.
• Substitute unsweetened shredded coconut for seeds.

You can make this recipe however you like! Just use what you have in the pantry.

This is a TeamBeachbody recipe, for the entire recipe description and photo process, click here!

Homemade Candy Cane Sugar Scrub

It's gift time! This Candy Cane Sugar Scrub is useful, easy to make, pretty, and festive! You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already, score!

1. White Granulated Sugar (the regular stuff)
2. Coconut Oil
3. Red fruit juice
4. Peppermint Essential Oil
5. Mason Jar

First, you want to mix a bowl of about 2 cups of sugar with about 1/2 a cup of melted coconut oil. Here's the thing, I'm Italian, we don't measure, so this is a guestimate. You want your mixture to look like the consistency of wet sand, the kind that is perfect for sand castle building!

Next, mix sugar with juice! I used cranberry, but any red juice, such as raspberry will work also. You can also use a food coloring, but that makes me nervous since it's going on skin! You want equal amounts of white and red mixtures.

In each mixture, add about 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil. I use Young Living, because I think it's the best there is! Peppermint is soothing, refreshing and a natural anti-inflammatory.

Open your mason jar and layer the white and red sugar mixtures. At the very top, I add about 2 teaspoons of melted coconut oil to blend down to the bottom. Next, you can decorate your jar, add a little homemade tag, or leave as is! Perfect gift that shows you've really put some thought and time into creating it, since it's handmade!

And enjoy!

Today's Exercise- Act like a Toddler

I mean seriously, do kids not have the most energy you've ever seen? And not teenagers, they act like they are old and decrepit half the time, toddler energy is where it's at! Bottle that stuff! So for today's exercise, wouldn't it be so super fun if for 30 minutes we acted like toddlers? Just go crazy! Have fun!

Doesn't she just scream ENERGY?!?!?


Hi Friends, you may have been wondering where I went?! I'm always actively posting on my Facebook page, but my blogging has taken a bit of a backseat lately. I gotta tell you, this pregnancy has really been taking a toll on me. I don't know if this little bundle of joy is possibly a boy (stay tuned later this month!) or maybe it's just that I'm 5 years older now and have a 4 year old to chase around, but this pregnancy has been MUCH harder on me than my first. It's the best reason to feel awful, right?!?

Fitness wise, I've been struggling a bit. First, I'm just very very very tired. Being a mom of a 4 and 14 year old in my home, I'm busy! No time for the occasional nap like my first pregnancy. And sometimes the tired-ness bring me down, down to the couch that is! Plus, I had a scare in my first trimester and I am just a little nervous about working out too hard with the baby. I know deep down that it will be okay, but a pregnant mommy still lets the worry get the best of her! Also, this kiddo wants CARBS, and LOTS of them. I've been doing pretty good with my nutrition, and keeping up with my Shakeology of course, but I have indulged in some foods that I wouldn't normally. And I'm giving myself a break on that! Pregnancy cravings are no joke, and it's really a good time to eat some carbs and not feel guilty, so I'm not letting myself feel guilty about it! My pregnancy is a healthy one, so I'm okay with the occasional donut (gasp!)

Thanks for letting me be real! 19 weeks and counting! Baby will arrive early May.

Healthy Holiday Treats

Whether you are bringing a dish to a potluck, looking for something to serve at your own holiday party, or just looking to satisfy an itch without going too far off the grid, I've got just the treat for you!

1. Gingerbread Balls And Gluten Free!

2. Apple Pie

3. Peanut Butter Truffles

4. Veggie Christmas Tree

5. Kiwi Fruit Christmas Tree

6. Strawberry Banana Candy Canes

I love the ease of the Strawberry Banana Candy Canes, this is one that my daughter will be able to make with me! Enjoy the holiday season, friends!

Holiday Showdown

Its you versus the holiday treat and potluck table! Who will win this showdown?

The next three weeks are just going to be crazy, amiright? How do you plan stay on track with healthy habits during the yummiest three weeks of the year? I will be the first to say, ENJOY THE SEASON! Accept the fact that you are not going to be 100%, and if you are, be honest, did you truly enjoy it? Wink, wink.

Here's my 8 best tips that ANYONE can do to stay the course.

1. Back away from the Pumpkin Spice
. Non dairy creamers introduce their holiday coffee creamer line up, and they look delicious. But remember, they are filled with CHEMICALS that will hinder your progress and probably make you feel junky at the same time. Reach for more health friendly options like Silk's Vanilla Almond creamer or an assortment of Califia farms coffee beverages. You can even stick to the basics with some almond milk, stevia and pumpkin pie spice, yes, the actual spices that you will put into a pie, just sprinkle some right in your coffee.

2. Make and Take! Bring a dish to the holiday potluck. YOU can control what you bring, so make it a healthy option and you'll know have at least one healthy option to choose from.

3. Serve yourself a small plate of treats then WALK AWAY. Do not sit at the treat table and graze. Instead, serve yourself some treats and back away, don't revisit.

4. Look for homemade foods.
Homemade treats, real butter for your dinner roll, almond milk for your coffee... REAL food, not processed food with chemicals included.

5. Eat at home. Before you go to a holiday party, serve yourself some healthy snacks so you aren't famished when you arrive.

6. Drink water! Fill up on water so you have less room for less healthy options.

7. Workout before you go! You aren't going to do it at home after the party, don't let the busy season take you away from your routine.

8. Give yourself some treat options so you won't feel deprived and end up splurging.

Happiest of Holidays to you and yours!

Fixate Cookbook

Have you heard of this cookbook? It is AWESOME. Over 100 recipes, tailored to the 21 Day Fix program, to make cooking with this program a breeze! I'm giving away some copies this month for the 21 Day Fix Challengers, if you would like to be a part of the giveaway, just shoot me an email and we'll get you started! To learn more about my 21 Day Fix challenges, click HERE.


Fall into Fitness

My gosh you guys, I cannot believe that it is already Fall. Although, So Cal peeps can attest that it doesn't feel one bit like fall over here, the weather still creeps near 100 degrees each day. My life has been a whirlwind in the past month or so, my new beautiful niece was born, my first niece! My mom friends outpoured love on my sister from day one, donating awesome baby items to her, it was just incredible to watch! Moms, you really are a class act. I've been focusing a lot on being a mommy, and I really let my fitness fall to the backburner for a short time. It happens to all of us! I eat pretty good, but my workouts have suffered. Is this like you? I know I'm not alone, and I'm not afraid to say that even a fitness lover like me falls short at times. However, I'm ready to fall back into fitness! Halloween is coming, and that means a considerable amount of candy. I don't partake of TONS of candy, but chocolate has always been a weakness for me. I'll be starting up my new fall group on November second! Details below~ Let's get our acts together!

Fall into Fitness Group Starting November 2, after you eat all that Halloween Candy! Haha

This group will run for 5 days, Monday through Friday. The goal is to get you "Fit by Friday" and detox your body with clean eating nutrition while possibly dropping a couple pounds! Average weight loss is 2-5 pounds in 5 days.

* November 2nd
* 8 Spots Only
* First come first served, and must register by October 20th.
* 5 Days of Shakeology (mix of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavor)
* 5 Day Clean Eating Menu with meal plan and grocery list
* 5 10-15 minute workout circuits, no equipment needed, from your own home on your own time and convenience
* Private accountability group for support

$35, includes tax and shipping. Payable by Paypal only.

Back to Fit School

Did the summer have you eating more and exercising less? Definitely true for me! These kids need to be constantly entertained, AmIRight?!

Even grown-ups need tips and tricks for a healthy back to school transition. Getting back in the swing of things can be very hard, you may feel totally unmotivated! In my upcoming challenge, we will focus on the 3 basics, P.E., Lunch, and Recess, otherwise known as exercise, nutrition, and FUN! Cause you've already passed all your academics! This group will be one semester (4 weeks) of the craziest, most fun SCHOOL you've ever had!

You'll need a few School Supplies-- A workout program, a customize-able meal plan, and a nutrition supplement. I'll supply the virtual classroom to keep you motivated and engaged throughout your semester of fun!

Fit School Details- Semester one begins August 31, and a second class on September 7th.

Workout Program: Semester One of Fit School will be using CIZE. Shaun T (creator of Insanity and T25) calls this program the "End of Exercise" and I agree. But I also call it the "End of Excuses." I mean, it's 30-40 minutes of a seriously good time. I was never a "clubbin" type of girl, but I can see how hours can be spent dancing the night away and having the best time ever. And Shaun T puts that into a workout program! The program is hip hop based, and choreographed to popular music. Each move is broken down nicely so that you can learn the moves, have a good time, laugh at yourself a little (or a lot), and sweat and burn calories at the same time! This is finally a CARDIO that I can get on board with!

Nutrition: The EAT UP nutrition plan shows you how to create a balanced meal plan and how to incorporate foods you love. This is not a fad diet, and it's not a restrictive or boring diet. It's not a diet at all!

Nutrition Supplement: Delicious Milk Shake for Breakfast?!? Every kid's dream! Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and you'll be well on your way to lose weight, get fit, fuel workouts, and add much needed nutrition to your regular diet.



Shaun digs deep into his dance roots to bring you 6 exhilarating, calorie-scorching dance courses, each with fresh moves and music. He breaks down each routine, step-by-step, move-by-move, slowly building up to a full combination. By the end of the program, you'll be totally confident in your incredible dance skills!

3 tools to help you succeed


This step-by-step guide tells you everything you need to know to get started on the right foot and get your best results possible. You can even track your body transformation to see your progress and watch your dancer's body come to life.


Use this beginner calendar when you want to go at your own pace. After each workout, you can even rate your dance skills, "backup dancer, " front and center," or "ready for my music video" to track your progress!


With the Eat Up! Meal Plan, losing weight is easy and delicious, and you're in control.

Mouthwatering, easy-to-prepare recipes that will give you energy to learn out and dance your butt off. And, for those times you want to incorporate your favorite foods (yes, even chocolate!) we show you the portions to eat to stay on track!

It's not about dieting, starvation, or deprivation. It's about healthy eating, simple portion control, and long-term success.

Plus, these 4 FREE Bonuses!


Strong abs and core are key for every great dancer. Work your abs on the floor and then perform the ab sequence to HEADSPRUNG, originally recorded by LL Cool J.


Don't let the weekend ruin all your hard work from the week. Learn the DO's and DON'Ts of a night out on the town, so you can go out and have fun without sabotaging your results!

To give you a bit more structure so you know which course to do on which day to keep progressing.


PLUS, you'll get access to my exclusive Fit and Fierce Cize Challenge and Support group, your virtual classroom, so you'll have access to me for help as well as others who are just like you, having fun with this awesome program! Available on Facebook.

And there you have it! All you need for Back to School! Order before August 31st to get a limited edition Cize Shaker cup, wristband, and special sale price of $140 and free 30 day access to the Beachbody on Demand Fitness Library.

Cize it Up

It's the END OF EXERCISE! Say what? This new program by Shaun T, celebrity fitness trainer and creator of Insanity, is unlike any I've seen. It's a dance style workout, and SO FUN. Let me preface this by telling you that I am the world's worst dancer. Like the worst. I do have fun with dance, cause who wouldn't, but I don't dance in public cause it's just bad. Shaun T's program called CIZE is a hip hop dance style workout program that breaks down dance moves into easy to follow, fun, and simple moves. Anyone can do it, even me! Do I look great doing it, nah, probably not, but that's okay because it's in the comfort of my own home and I laugh my booty off with how fun each workout is!

Check out the video snippet!

The CIZE DVD Package features 6 dance courses, the Eat Up! Meal Plan, Get Started Guide, Weekend Survival Guide, 2 Wall Calendars, 8 Count Abs bonus workout, and Hold Your Own Network Exclusive DVD.

There is also a Cize Deluxe package that gives you all of the above plus some pretty cool extras to help with weight loss and toning! First, the deluxe package includes two extra workouts, made specifically for weight loss and toning. Also, the deluxe package includes 1 pound weighted wrist bands to help tone your body by adding resistance, and burning extra calories, the Deluxe Calendar to help you lose the most weight possible in 30 days, the Lose It Guide, Shaun T's best weight loss tips to zap fat, and the Color Coded Portion Control Containers (you may have seen them in 21 Day Fix). These portion control containers go along with the Eat Up Guide and they are the golden ticket to weight loss!

My favorite is always the Challenge Pack, because it has Shakeology and there's a HUGE bundle discount!

The Challenge Pack also comes with an exclusive Cize Shaker cup and wristband, Shakeology, and a 30 Day Free Trial to TeamBeachbody which includes live streaming of the workouts.

More details for the Challenge pack:

Shakeology with the Challenge Pack: Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results. It's The Healthiest Meal of the Day.You could spend more than $700 on supplements just to re-create all the healthy ingredients in one bag of Shakeology. But for only about $4 a serving, you can treat your body to the delicious daily superfood protein shake that helps give you energy for your dance routines, reduces junk-food cravings, and may help you achieve your ideal body faster. A nutrient-dense combination of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and many other rare ingredients gives your body nutrients you can't get from a normal diet. 100% vegan option now available.

Team Beachbody trial: A FREE 30-Day Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody Club, so you can start streaming your CIZE workouts, and more than $3,000 in other proven Beachbody workouts, plus find all the support you need to succeed in your challenge. After your 30-Day Trial Membership is up, you will be billed quarterly for Club Membership, which you may cancel at any time.

Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month.

Details for the DVD workouts:


Shaun digs deep into his dance roots to bring you 6 exhilarating, calorie-scorching dance courses, each with fresh moves and music. He breaks down each routine, step-by-step, move-by-move, slowly building up to a full combination. By the end of the program, you'll be totally confident in your incredible dance skills and sexy body!

35 minutes after pushing play, you'll master these hip dance moves. At the end you get to perform the routine to HANDS IN THE AIR, originally recorded by Timbaland.

Pick up the pace for an intense sweat, with fresh moves and a whole new vibe. You'll put it all together to TREASURE, originally recorded by Bruno Mars.

You've made it to Level 2 so get ready to get winded and wowed in this over-the-top, all-out, sweaty dance routine set to LOSE MY BREATH, originally recorded by Destiny's Child.

Crank up the energy and the pace. Now you're ready for even more new dance moves created and inspired by professional dancers, all choreographed to PROBLEM, originally recorded by Ariana Grande.

Ready to challenge yourself and show off your moves front and center? Before you know it, you'll be performing to PASS THAT DUTCH, originally recorded by Missy Elliott.

CIZE can teach anyone to dance—any style—any pace—to any type of music. This final course is a completely different dance experience, with an emotional finale routine to Sia's CHANDELIER. Get ready for your music video!

3 tools to help you succeed


This step-by-step guide tells you everything you need to know to get started on the right foot and get your best results possible. You can even track your body transformation to see your progress and watch your dancer's body come to life.


Use this beginner calendar when you want to go at your own pace. After each workout, you can even rate your dance skills, "backup dancer, " front and center," or "ready for my music video" to track your progress!


With the Eat Up! Meal Plan, losing weight is easy and delicious, and you're in control.

We give you mouthwatering, easy-to-prepare recipes that will give you energy to learn out and dance your butt off. And, for those times you want to incorporate your favorite foods (yes, even chocolate!) we show you the portions to eat to stay on track!

It's not about dieting, starvation, or deprivation. It's about healthy eating, simple portion control, and long-term success.

Plus, these 4 FREE Bonuses!


Strong abs and core are key for every great dancer. Work your abs on the floor and then perform the ab sequence to HEADSPRUNG, originally recorded by LL Cool J.


Don't let the weekend ruin all your hard work from the week. Learn the DO's and DON'Ts of a night out on the town, so you can go out and have fun without sabotaging your results!


We created this calendar to give you a bit more structure so you know which course to do on which day to keep progressing.


We want you to have everything you need to succeed. Enjoy world-class support, invaluable fitness and nutrition tips, even live chats with Shaun T!

PLUS, you'll get access to my exclusive Fit and Fierce Cize Challenge and Support group so you'll have access to me for help as well as others who are just like you, having fun with this awesome program!

If interested, please fill out a Challenge Group application and I look forward to chatting with you! Let's Cize it Up!

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Dark chocolate avocado brownie cookies

You know the inner most piece of the brownie, the ooey gooey, oh so chewy and moist piece that everyone fights over? Well, unless you're weird and like the crunchy edge part. You've got to try these ooey gooey brownie cookies. This recipe makes 10, but you'll only need one or two, they are super rich. 

Ripe flesh of 1 medium avocado
½ cup coconut palm sugar
1 egg
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup dark chocolate chips
1 tbsp water
½ tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 350* and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 

Place avocado flesh and coconut sugar in a medium mixing bowl. With a hand mixer, cream them together. Add egg and beat until well combined. 
Then add cocoa powder beat again, and finally add chocolate chips, beat until well combined. 

In a small dish, dissolve baking soda in water then add to batter and, you guessed it, mix well.

Spoon batter onto baking sheet in cookie form, about 1-2 tablespoons each and keep them about 2 inches apart.

Bake for 8-10 minutes. 

Remember, they are gooey, so they are going to fall apart in your hand. 

All American Apple Pie

From Autumn Calabrese
2 cups coconut flour or blanched almond flour (I used coconut flour)
1/2 cup coconut oil- melted
2 Tablespoons full fat coconut milk cold *Refrigerate at least an hour and mix well before using. 
2 Tablespoons maple syrup

In a large mixing bowl mix all ingredients together with a rubber spatula. Do not over mix.

Press the dough into a 9-inch pie plate.

You can freeze pie crust until ready to bake or fill it right away.

I had these awesome apples from my tree, but any Granny Smith or Fuji, or gala will work great. 


5 medium apples- peeled and cut into small chunks 
Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 Tablespoons coconut oil- melted
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoon cinnamon 
1/3 cup coconut sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup full fat coconut milk
2 tablespoons maple syrup

In a large bowl mix apples, lemon juice, spices & coconut oil.

In a large sauce pan mix together coconut sugar and water. Heat over medium heat until sugar melts. Then add the maple syrup. 

Mix in coconut milk and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir consistently until mixture thickens.

Remove from heat and pour Carmel over apples. Mix until apples are fully coated with the Carmel sauce.

Pour into pie crust. 

I topped mine with a wheat pie crust, sliced and criss crossed. I used 1/3 cup coconut sugar and 1/3 cup maple syrup, mixed well and drizzled over the top. 

Bake at 350 for 25 minutes.  

Strawberry Dessert

Okay so, I served this on my birthday, and I FULLY INTENDED on creating a Clean Eating Style pound cake of sorts. But when my husband asked to take me to lunch on my birthday, I had to make a choice... I chose him over cooking my little heart out! I'll update my recipes soon when I try a cake, but for now, I served this over Angel Food Cake from my local bakery.

Strawberry Shortcake Style Strawberries

I cut about 10 strawberries into quarters and set aside in a large mixing bowl. I then cut about 8 more into quarters and added them to my food processor with 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar and 1 tablespoon of honey. I processed them into a liquid and added it to the mixing bowl, then chilled for 2 hours.

Next, I made some coconut cream mousse. The recipe is here.

When you make the mousse, prep it the same day and chill it for 2 hours max, it will still be creamy, like chocolate whipped cream, versus light and airy like mousse.

Clean Eating Caramel Sauce

Clean Eating Caramel Sauce, Say what?!?! Truly, this is divine. It's more thin than the unhealthy, yet creamy sauce that you are used to, but it's all the flavor without the guilt!

1/2 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1/4 cup of maple syrup (I use grade B)
2 tbsp melted coconut oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 cup full fat coconut milk

First, combine the maple syrup, sugar, and coconut oil into a small sauce pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently so that it doesn't burn. When the sugar starts to bubble, let it bubble for two minutes, stirring only a couple of times.

Next, gradually stir in the coconut milk and turn the heat down to a simmer. Cook for 1-2 minutes until the sauce is thick enough to coat a spoon.

I served mine over ice cream and my Double Chocolate Brownie dessert!

Get them while they are hot!

The Summer is not just the best time for sun and fun, it's also the best time for some amazing fruits that are ripe for the picking, literally!

1. Strawberries: Strawberries are heart healthy! They actually lower the risk of heart disease, according to a study from the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, because they lower cholesterol.

2. Black Raspberries: The antioxidants found in black raspberries have been shown to reduce colon cancer, according to a study published in Nutrition and Cancer. Black raspberries reduced the size of tumors and actually seem to be about 40% more powerful than other berries at cancer prevention.

3. Blueberries: Blueberries crush free radicals and inflammation, we all know this! But the USDA has reported that the fruit can also help brain power by maintaining memory functioning and preventing cognitive degeneration (I think all the moms out there can appreciate this!). Again, for the mamas, women can lower the risk of heart attack by 33% by consuming blueberries daily, and they help with weight control, score!

*Facts derived from an article by Clean Eating Magazine. I had to share with you!

Who wants a CRAFFL?

I never want to be one of those people who just sat back and watched their life go by. I mean, we only get one, make it amazing, silly, rewarding, and fun! Make it yours. 

Working towards your dreams is NOT EASY... there is hard work and sacrifice in the beginning, the short term, in order to experience the freedom and rewards in the long term. I just keep telling myself this! 

Right now, I have two dreams and they are definitely connected. I want to stay home with my son (13) and daughter (4) and not every have to go back to work, and I want to make a difference in other people's lives by inspiring health and fitness. These two dreams go hand in hand because I am lucky enough to have found a way to use my passion for health and my passion for helping others and turn those into a business, a fitness business to help others get healthy! Which then allows me to make some income so that I can continue to stay at home with my little. I am STILL amazed that I get paid to do this. Like how lucky am I that I get paid to help other people feel good about themselves!?!? Incredible. This business is not about the money, but let's face it, we have these dreams and goals, we have to have a vehicle to get there. 

In these two goals though, I am still in the short term. My husband and I make sacrifices every single day so that I can be home with my kids. I have seen some of the success that my mentors have in their own business lives, and I've seen my own success in a short amount of time, the more people I help, the more rewarding my job is. In the short term, you make sacrifices, so that the long term is a CRAFFL (Crazing Ridiculous Amazing Fun Filled Life). That's from Chalene Johnson, I didn't make that one up, but I've totally adopted it as a goal! With one slight change, the R is for REWARDING in my goal plan. 

I feel like I really can't go back to a mundane 9-5 job where I work for someone else's goals, on their terms, on their boring projects that don't help anyone! I want to help people. 

And I want to be my kids' mom!!! Be there for them, cause that's really why I wanted children, to be a mother. 

So I ask you, are your dreams BIG ENOUGH? Do you dream of a CRAFFL?