
February Fitness Group

Hi friends! I really wanted to start a Core Challenge tomorrow, but have received some bad news about my pregnancy. I'm having complications and have been put on bed rest. This last week has been a whirlwind, so I haven't worked on my February group. I will absolutely post here when I decide what I've got coming up for Free Fitness Groups!!

In the meantime, I do have my Fit & Fierce group up and running if you would like to join! You can start anytime, doesn't have to be a Monday. My favorite program is 21 Day Fix, it's just the most "doable" program that there is and it works like a charm for any fitness goal, any fitness level, any person!


31 Days of Fitness- Day 31

You've made it!!! 31 Days of Fitness, Health, and putting yourself as a priority! If you finished the group, consider yourself STRONG! You are in the minority! But, now you've made a habit, don't lost it. Keep pushing, keep prioritizing yourself and your health, keep moving forward, and just keep swimming in the wise words of Dory!

Let's finish with a strong upper body with Tony Horton!

Fit Tip:

The scope of your New Year’s resolutions is just as important as the resolutions themselves. Sure, you want to lose weight and build strength, but do your resolutions line up with where you want to be in 10 years? Research published in Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine suggests that we’re more likely to meet our short-term goals if they align with our broader life goals. One explanation has to do with what researchers call “self-determination theory” —we’re more likely to change our behavior to reach goals that are intrinsically motivated. Put another way, “you’re more likely to stick to a weight loss goal if you’re motivated by feeling healthier than fitting in a smaller clothing size,” says study author Brie Turner-McGrievy, PhD, MS, RD, an assistant professor of health promotion, education, and behavior at the University of South Carolina. Via Team Beachbody.

Sooooo, take a minute and reconsider your resolution that you made a month ago. Will it change? That's okay! Is it attainable? Are you intrinsically motivated to reach it? Meaning are you motivated by something within your soul, rather than something external. Will this resolution set your soul on fire?!?! Does it align with life goals? Is it going to better your health? I really hope you'll continue on a health journey with me! I would love to have you! If you've thought about coaching, read on here. If you've had trouble finding peace within yourself, read more about my story here. And if you want to take a fitness challenge with me, sign up here!


Today, I leave you with some meal planning tips to take into next month!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 30

Working the abs today with Tony Horton and 10 minute trainer!

If you loved this, Tony has an entire series of 10 minute workouts (not just abs) and it's available for a super low monthly fee (less than $15) through the On Demand workout subscription! And you'll have access to $1500 in other workouts! Eeek! Message me for details and I'll hook you up. EVERYONE has ten minutes.

Fit Tip:

Team Beachbody tells us that Isometric exercises (like the plank) are the most effective way to train your core, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Waterloo. Why? Because not only does holding a rigid position extend your muscle’s time under tension (a key growth trigger) but it also reinforces your core’s primary job: Stabilizing your spine.

Plank: Assume a push-up position, but with your elbows bent and your weight on your forearms. Hold for as long as you can with your abs braced, your glutes clenched, and your body straight and rigid from head to heels. Hold for 30 to 90 seconds. Rest for one minute, then repeat.


Cookie Dough Bites
Try them, you'll be amazed!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 29

Can you see the finish line!?! You've ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF!


20 Minute HIIT workout

HIIT= High Intensity Interval Training

Be sure to warm up before hand.

Post in the group, what do you think of HIIT style workouts?

Fit Tip:

Does cellulite mean I've overweight? Check out this two minute blurb from Chalene to see what she says!


Avocado and Strawberry Quesadilla

31 Days of Fitness- Day 28


Take your last rest day and enjoy it! Seriously though, REST. That is all.

Fit Tip:

We are nearing the end of our group, but the fit tips can keep coming when you sign up for a FREE account on my website. Just click to follow the link and sign up for the free membership to TeamBeachbody. No credit card required! This is your tip of the day, nothing more to read about, you've got time! Sign up!


Chicken and Avocado Enchiladas

31 Days of Fitness- Day 27


10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 mountain climbers
<< rest 30 seconds >>
10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 mountain climbers
<< rest 30 seconds >>
10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 mountain climbers

Truly, when I say go at your own pace during the exercises, I mean it! You can go as slow as molasses on a winter day (as my mother used to say) but keep moving. Mountain climbers are so horrific for me, I go slow! You can too. The only workout you'll regret is the one you didn't do, it's not a race.

You may remember this as the Day 3 workout. I'm wondering, how much better did you do today than you did on Day 3? The workout DID NOT GET EASIER. You just got better! VICTORY!

Fit Tip:

Non Scale Victories (NSV) are so important! Too often we are focused on the scale! And it's not the best measure of success.

Stay off that scale! We are focusing on getting healthy, not getting skinny. Who wants to be skinny anyways?!

If you have experienced any of the following, call this week a success! You are kickstarting your healthy lifestyle, and nothing can top that.

Eating smaller portions, and still feeling satisfied

Resisting junk food when out with friends. In fact, the strangest thing is going to happen, you’ll lose taste for junk. Your body knows what’s best for you. And the more you reach for healthy options, the more your body will prefer healthy foods. Your taste changes! Listen to your body and don’t eat chips for the sake of eating chips, your body doesn’t want them!

Able to do more reps! Start counting your reps so you know when you’re adding more, it’s an awesome feeling!

People are starting to see a difference and ask if you’re losing weight

Your pants are looser

Your rings are looser

You have more energy

It’s easier to walk up the stairs and play with your kids

You eat more veggies and drink more water

You’ve lost inches

You have more endurance and you feel healthier

You can lift heavier

So, have you had a Non-Scale Victory this week? Yes?! Then good news, you've had a successful week!


Dessert Quesadilla

31 Days of Fitness- Day 26

Workout: We are at it again with abs! 10 minutes of DEDICATED ab work! If you have 21 Day Fix, do the 10 Min Ab workout that's available at the end of each disc. If you have another Beachbody workout, you'll find ab workouts on your disks as well! If you don't have any, just follow along with one of these!

--Office Ab Workout
--Pilates Abs (and a Firm Butt!)
--Simple Ab Workout

Fit Tip:

Working out is more fun and more effective when done with a partner, group, trainer, or coach. You'll just have better results and be more likely to stick with it! Take the Fit and Fierce Challenge for February! You won't be disappointed, and if you are, there's a money back guarantee so you're covered!

The Fit & Fierce challenge focuses on your your individual goals. As your personal health and fitness coach, I'm all ears! Together, we will identify your fitness goals, and get you into a private group of challengers (people just like you!) for support, accountability and encouragement. We will figure out your individual caloric needs to reach optimal results. We will also figure out how many calories you need to burn, and which workouts you'll conquer to reach your goal. Not all workouts are created equal, you'll need a specific fitness regimen to reach your individual goal. This is not a cookie cutter program, everyone is different. And that's why it works, it is tailored to YOU. Once we assess your goals, we'll choose a Challenge Pack (workout program) that fits your individual needs, preferred fitness style, and goals. A coach is like your cheerleader, confidant, friend, and personal question answerer!


Egg Cups! I love these because you can make a bunch, and you can take them on the go!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 25

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!

We are nearing the end, but I will be announcing February's group this week, so join in and continue on in February!


Sexy Shoulders! This one is difficult, if you remember from Day 5. Most were able to strive for 2 rounds, this time, try to get an extra round in. If you did one, try for two, if you did two, strive for three!

Fit Tip:

LIFT WEIGHTS. Do not be afraid of them! You might think you'll burn more calories running cardio like a bunny rabbit, but you are selling yourself and your workout short! I understand the fear of bulking up, but the truth is, to look like a body builder, you have to lift REALLY heavy and train, and eat, like a body builder. So just don't do that, capiche? You will need to lift to get those sexy, sculpted, lean muscles. No amount of cardio will give that to you.

Five reasons to lift:

1) You'll lose more fat! Muscle is a fat burning machine!

2) Post workout, during recovery time you, are still burning calories! Remember when we talked about working the large leg muscles and how those big muscles being worked means you'll be burning calories all day long? Yes that’s right as you sit on your couch after you are done, your muscles are repairing themselves and burning energy while they do it. Sweet!

3) You will strengthen your bones. As we age our bones weaken and lose their density, especially for women.

4) Strength training does a body good! It helps to reduce blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, support cognitive function, and studies have shown that it reduces aggression and makes you a much more calm person (I know I need that!)

5) It's the only way to "tone" which is what everyone seems to want!

I would recommend at least two days of strength training each week. But always check with your doctor if you have doubts about your physically ability to weight train.


Tropical fruit salad with yogurt sauce! For snack, breakfast, or lunch!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 24

Home stretch! One week left!

Workout: Some of my favorite booty blast moves are in this 10 minute booty workout!

Post in the group when you've finished!

Fit Tip:

Don't forget to JUMP! In your fitness journey and in your life. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO! Remember, when I said I was going to workout, my family laughed at me. If I can do it, you can do it! Believe in yourself, and you'll overcome any obstacle.

If you love fitness, I would love to have you on the Fit and Fierce team. We are a group of people who share their love of fitness and health with others, that's it! Anyone can share health and bless someone else.

I love these words from Steve Harvey. Take 6 minutes and listen, it's worth it.

After I tape an episode at Family Feud I spend a few more minutes with the audience. I talk about jumping.

Posted by Steve Harvey on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The only way to see what living is really like, is to jump. Find out what you're really made of, what's your gift?


Peanut Butter and Chocolate Steel Cut Oatmeal, from the Fixate cookbook.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 23

Good morning! You're doing great!!!!!

Today is Day 23 of 31, and your workout is for the legs! I love working legs because they house some of the largest muscles in your body. Your body can continue burning calories all day long after working those large muscle groups, so let's get going!

5 Minute Legs

Fit Tip:

It's Saturday! Don't negate your progress all week in just one night out!

By alternating cocktails with water, “you’ll literally cut your calories in half,” says Susan Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., author of The Powerfood Nutrition Plan. “Better still, you’ll pay less of a price the next morning.” Be especially wary of liquid calories in traditional drinks like eggnog, hot toddy, and punches. “You’re not going to feel full from them, so you can pack on a lot of extra calories and not even realize it,” says Jamie Cooper, Ph.D., an associate professor of food and nutrition at the University of Georgia. His advice: During the rounds where you do have an adult beverage, stick to low-calorie drinks such as light beer and vodka soda.


4 Course Meal!

I've also got a low-calorie modification for 6 classic cocktails HERE.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 22


Shaun T, one of my favorite trainers, is working your arms for 5 minutes today! Obviously he says it's December 3rd, but not for us! Each move is to be done continuously for ONE MINUTE. No rest in between.

Fit Tip:

What's in your protein shake?

Shakeology is obviously my favorite, and a main reason I became a coach (I wanted the discount!). But before I became a coach, I was just like you, a person looking for the best of the best when it came to shake supplements. A consumer, not invested in the company at all. I chose Shakeology for many reason, one was taste, another was the ingredients and the type of protein used.

For a breif synopsis on Shakeology, let's start with what Shakeology is NOT.

Shakeology is not a protein shake. It's not a weight loss shake. It's not processed. It's not full of artificial ingredients, actually there are none. It's not a miracle cure.

What is Shakeology? A healthy eating shake. It's your daily dose of dense nutrition, that your diet is most definitely lacking. And if you don't believe me, read on. Shakeology is a meal replacement, you'll replace one meal a day with this delicious meal replacement shake and it supplements your nutrition to add what you are missing. It fuels workouts. It repairs muscles. It improves digestion. It curbs cravings. It regulates cholesterol and blood sugar, and so much more. It is your big glass of protein, amino acids, digestive enzymes, phytonutrients, vitamins, mineral, antioxidants, adaptogens, pre-biotics, pro-biotics, and digestive enzymes.

And you will find WHEY protein in the regular formula, and plant based protein sources in the vegan formula. You will NOT find Soy protein.

My advise is to do your own research by looking at the nutrition label on the back of your shake supplement. Google each ingredient.

To understand the difference between whey, casein, and pea protein, click here.

I REALLY encourage you to look into Soy Protein if your shake includes it. It's the cheapest protein that one can buy, so it's in a lot of shakes that are at cheaper price points. That cheaper price point might look nice on paper, but check in the effects on your body and your health. It's a controversial topic, so I would investigate on your own rather than have anyone tell you what to do.


Let me just put it out there that I hate meatloaf. But I know a lot of people love it, including my family. So here ya go!

Love classic meatloaf? Here’s how to enjoy it and still stay lean. When we cooked this super easy recipe, it was devoured by everyone at the table. It is flavorful with onion, peppers, and herbs, and is incredibly moist.

This recipe makes six large portions for a hearty family dinner. Let kids in on the fun, they will love to help squish the meat and veggies together into a loaf!

Total Time: 1 hr. 15 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 1 hr.
Yield: 6 servings

1½ lbs. raw 95% lean ground beef (or turkey)
1 large egg
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
¾ medium green bell pepper, chopped
1 medium celery stalk, chopped
½ cup all-natural tomato sauce
1 cup whole-grain bread crumbs
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp. dried parsley
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Combine beef, egg, garlic, onion, bell pepper, celery, tomato sauce, bread crumbs, mustard, and parsley in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; mix well with clean hands.
3. Place mixture in loaf pan. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until cooked through.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 21

Good morning! If you need a recap, scroll back through the 31 Days of Fitness posts or use the search feature on the right side of the blog post to search "31 Days of Fitness."


Let's hit the full body again with Autumn!

Fit Tip:

This is a major pet peeve of mine... even for my kids! I literally have to force my 4 and 14 year olds to eat breakfast!!! When your mama told you breakfast was the most important meal of the day, she was right!! Like she was about just about else, too.

Breakfast sets the nutritional tone for the rest of the day, and you don’t want send your body into survival mode by prolonging your overnight fast. Your body will store up that food like it's saving for a long winter's nap! Bonus points if you swap your bagel for eggs and your venti latte for a Cafe Latte Shake. Doing the former can help shrink your waist by 34 percent and your body fat by 16 percent, according to a study in the International Journal of Obesity. The reason: You’ll consume fewer calories in subsequent meals. Doing the latter can save you 188 calories a day. And let’s be honest, it’s the caffeine you love anyway.


Cinnamon Dolce Latte Shakeology
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop Café Latte Shakeology
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cup ice

For the best taste experience, use a blender and add ice. The more ice, the thicker it gets. Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute (almond, rice, or coconut milk)—the more milk, the creamier it gets! Enjoy!

Calories: 196

31 Days of Fitness- Day 20

Workout time! I hope the rest day was AWESOME-NESS! (I say it's a word).


One minute Squats (first, watch How to Squat the RIGHT way to avoid injury- Click here)

--- You can do any of the variations you see!

One Minute Lunges (30 seconds each side)

THIS IS YOUR WARM UP! Next, follow Autumn in the Firm Booty Workout HERE.

Comment in the group when done! And which move is your favorite? Mine is the very last exercise that Autumn shows you!

Fit Tip:

Something I want to address, we've talked a lot about abs, everyone wants tight abs because that's what society calls "fit." But did you know, you cannot out work a bad diet?

Abs are made in the kitchen!

"Recent studies have found that as a country, we are exercising more. Great! However, as a country, we are becoming more obese. Wanna know why? An hour on the elliptical does not erase the Frappuccino you just inhaled. To see your abs, that are in there, you have to eat clean. Truly, there isn’t one fitness goal you can reach without a clean diet. You may think you eat healthy, but you need to be real with yourself. Is your healthy food outweighed by your unhealthy food? If your protein shake each morning is Starbucks, I implore you to rethink that plan. Does your nutrition plan include things like foods labeled “diet,” soda, artificial ingredients, soy protein drinks, processed foods? If so, kiss those sweet abs goodbye. Do you not eat enough? You cannot starve yourself! Your body needs fuel to build muscle.

So what I’m saying is, get on a clean eating regimen (at least 80% of the time, if not more!) Couple that with your workouts! Remember, 20% is a big piece of the puzzle, don’t skip the workout. You will start to see the results you are seeking and you will feel better overall."


Veggie Lasagna

Cheesy, filling, and packed with veggies, this vegetarian lasagna is the real deal. It’s bursting with fresh flavors from herbs and three different kinds of cheese, and it’s sure to please adults and children alike. The casserole makes 12 servings! It’s perfect for meal prep, or freeze leftovers in individual portions and reheat for an easy dinner when there’s no time to cook.

Total Time: 2 hrs. 7 min.
Prep Time: 20 min.
Cooking Time: 1 hr. 47 min.
Yield: 12 servings

1 lb. dry whole grain lasagna pasta
Hot water
1 tsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium carrot, shredded
4 cloves garlic, chopped
3 cups + 2 Tbsp. tomato sauce, no sugar added, divided use
2 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh basil
Sea salt (or Himalayan salt) and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
2 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped
1 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
Nonstick cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Cook pasta in water according to package directions. Drain. Set aside.
3. Heat oil in medium saucepan over medium-high heat.
4. Add onion, bell pepper, and carrot; cook, stirring frequently, for 4 to 6 minutes, or until onion is translucent.
5. Add garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 minute.
6. Add 3 cups tomato sauce and basil. Season with salt and pepper if desired; cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.
7. Combine spinach and ricotta cheese in a medium bowl; mix well. Set aside.
8. Combine mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
9. Lightly coat a 4-quart (or 13 x 9-inch) rectangular baking dish with spray; place remaining 2 Tbsp. tomato sauce in the bottom. Top with a layer of pasta, one fourth vegetable mixture, one third spinach mixture, and one fourth cheese mixture. Repeat twice. Top with pasta, vegetable mixture, and cheese mixture. Cover with aluminum foil.
10. Bake for 45 minutes. Remove foil. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until hot and bubbly.
11. Let sit for 5 minutes before cutting.

• No-boil lasagna pasta is available in many markets, and can make preparation really easy.
• Add ½ cup water with 3 cups tomato sauce if using no-boil pasta.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 19

Good morning!

Today, Rest Day! I had you working all through the weekend, and I know that's tough! Take today and recharge! But, your "workout" is to check on your diet. Where can you make changes to see more gains? Post your ideas in the group!

Fit Tip:

With short workout circuits like these, we have very few rest days. And I know that can be tough. Always take a rest when you need it or modify any workout. But if you are powering through, there are other ways to rest while still working out daily.

For just 10 minutes a day sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Practiced consistently, such mindful meditation can reduce psychological stress by up to 44 percent, according to a study by West Virginia University researchers. And this stress reduction makes your workout more effective and gives your body a second to recharge!


Baked Chicken with Carrots, Oranges, and Sweet Potatoes

Bored with the same old baked chicken breasts? This recipe adds a citrus zing that gives white meat tons of flavor, while keeping it succulent and tender. Chicken breasts are topped with orange slices, basted with orange juice, and baked with hearty, inexpensive staples like carrots, celery, and sweet potatoes, which also take on the bright citrus flavor. It’s a crowd pleaser, and kids will love it!

Total Time: 1 hr.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 50 min.
Yield: 4 servings

4 medium carrots, cut into 2-inch pieces
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled, cut in half lengthwise, cut into 1-inch slices
2 medium celery stalks, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium red onion, sliced
4 (4-oz.) each raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
¼ cup 100% orange juice (or juice of 2 medium navel oranges)
½ cup water
2 medium navel oranges, peeled, chopped
2 fresh rosemary sprigs
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Place carrots, sweet potatoes, celery, onion, and chicken in large oven-proof roasting pan.
3. Top with orange juice, water, oranges, rosemary, salt (if desired), and pepper (if desired).
4. Bake, basting occasionally, for 35 to 50 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear.

Tip: This dish can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Layer all ingredients in the slow cooker. Cook for about 4 hours on high, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 18

Day 18 workout coming at ya! This one is focused on Mom Ab Rehab, but it's really for anyone!

Comment in the group when done!

ALSO! I wanted to let you know that some giveaways are coming soon to my Facebook Fan Page, so like the page so you can get in on the action! Log into your FB and CLICK HERE then like the page.

Fit Tip:

Having trouble sticking to your training program? Put your money where your motivation is. In a recent Mayo Clinic study, people who received $20 every time they achieved their monthly weight-loss goal — or lost $20 if they didn’t — dropped nearly seven more pounds than those with no money at stake. Both and Gympact (for iPhone and Android) can help you pad your pocket by wagering with others on your goals.

Also, think about betting WITH yourself. Put a new outfit at stake for reaching your fitness goal, you reach the goal, you get the outfit. Make these goals SMALL GOALS. You want to give yourself a win! Each time you achieve a small goal, you get a reward, and it keeps you motivated until the next large goal. And another tip, don't reward yourself with food. You aren't a doggy. And those rewards are not helping you reach your goals. Here's a list of things you can reward yourself with that do not involve food!

1. Buy a new book.

2. Get a manicure.

3. Buy yourself a new outfit, in a smaller size!

4. Go see a movie.

5. A massage. Yes, please!

6. Girl's night out.

7. A new nail polish.

8. New workout clothes.

9. Buy that home decor piece you've been wanting.

10. Buy a new cookbook.

11. Buy yourself flowers.

12. Take a day off work.

13. Try a Spray Tan.

14. Pay yourself! Give yourself a dollar for each workout you do each month.

15. Date night!


This is my absolute favorite snack! I must confess, sometimes I eat it for lunch!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 17

If you need a rest day, take it! If not, check out this 3 minute upper body workout! And I personally think you are so much stronger than just 3 minutes. Let's do it once and then repeat it!

Here ya go!

Fit Tip:

The Beachbody blog tells us that watching action movies or television shows can cause you to eat 65 percent more calories than watching a sitcom without action packed scenes. But it doesn’t have to — instead of kicking back with a bowl of Funyons, fill it with carrots, broccoli florets, or other high-fiber, nutrient-dense snacks. Your goal: To use the distracting, adrenaline-packed on-screen action to eat foods you might otherwise avoid.


Okay, maybe you think I'm lame because I would kick back with a bowl of broccoli and carrots, but don't knock it until you try it! Already tried it and not something you can do for every movie night? How about some movie snacks that will satisfy your craving but not break the calorie bank?

Yogurt Fruit Dip

Roasted Crunchy Garbanzo Beans

Kale Chips

Homemade Popcorn

Apple Peanut Butter Snack

31 Days of Fitness- Day 16

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!


Sore to the Core sample workout! My Sore to the Core Challenge will start February 1st. This is a free challenge, so look at for the announcement, would love to have you!

10 Crunches
10 Reverse Crunches (if you're unsure of this move, here's an example:
10 Leg Raises
40 Second Plank
Repeat two times

Fit Tip:

Plan Active Outings! Burn some calories while you bond with your significant other or your kids. Plus, active outings are so much more fun than sedentary.

Hiking can burn around 400 to 500 calories per hour.
Ice Skating, 390 calories per hour. More than a jog!
Biking, 480 per hour on average.
Jet Skiing, nearly 400 in an hour!
Dancing, Rock Climbing, Jump Rope, Swimming, all between 450 and 700 calories per hour!

Which other fun activities can you think of?

Recipe: Cauliflower Fried Rice, coming to you from Skinny Taste.

This is so good!!! And 21 Day Fixers, you don't have to use a yellow!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 15

I hope you're all enjoying the challenge thus far! Remember to check out my other upcoming challenges as well!


20 Squats
30 Lunges
40 Calf raises
50 Jumping jacks

Fitness Tip:

Don't rely on the scale alone!!! The scale is not an accurate measure of success. Muscle weighs more than fat. You're building muscle, which burns fat, and your body is changing, but the scale may not move or it might even go up. GASP!

Instead of weighing in weekly, I would rather see my friends take measurements and photos! Also, it's important to remember that everyone loses weight differently. We are all unique and we have different body types, metabolisms, different starting weights, etc. Someone may lose 5 pounds in their first week of a new program, while another person may GAIN 2 pounds in their first week. Someone may lose another 7 by week 2, while someone else doesn't lose a pound until week 3. Your body is going to react differently, don't compare yourself to someone else, and stay off that scale.

Use this measurement guide to track your progress, update it once a month.

I want to show you the following two photos, which show 21 Day Fix results. It's really only a handful of "pounds" lost, but check out the amazing difference in the before/after photos!

Now, do you still think that 5-8 pounds of weight loss isn't a lot? Of course not, it's a significant amount of weight!


Incredibly easy fried rice!

Start with 2 bags of boil in a bag brown rice (I can't cook rice unless it's boil in a bag!) prepare that and drain the water.

While your rice is cooking, grab some veggies, anything you have on hand! Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, green beans, sweet onion, peppers, really any combination of 3 or more veggies that you have on hand. Chop them up and sauté in 1 tsp of coconut oil and 1/4 cup of water with a dash of each: Ginger, garlic, red pepper flakes, soy sauce, sea salt and pepper.

Cut 3 chicken breast into bite size pieces and sauté in 1-2 tsp olive oil and the same spices as your veggies.

In a skillet, add some coconut oil and scramble eggs, I use 3-5. Push the eggs to the side and add your rice to the skillet. Fry your rice with about 2 tablespoons of soy sauce for about 3 minutes. Add veggies and chicken and mix well.


Serves 4-6.

31 Days of Fitness- Day 14

It's Day 14! If you are just catching us now, you can still join in! Check out my Blog Page for the recent workouts and be sure to click to join into our Facebook group!


A strong core will help you to transfer energy throughout your body when you are working out, it prevents injury, enhances stability, and increases your strength not just in your core but overall.

This Killer Core Workout comes to you from Andy Speer, C.S.C.S., owner of Soho Strength Lab, in Manhattan. Challenge and strengthen your core at the same time with this three-move circuit: Hollow rock, plank side pulse, superman. “Do 10 reps of each exercise, moving from one to the next without rest,” says Speer. Once you finish all three exercises, begin the circuit again (no rest). “Try to do five circuits total, which will give you 50 reps for each move,” says Speer. Too easy? Double down, doing 20 reps per move per circuit. “50 total reps per move is attainable for many people,” says Speer, “but 100 is really tough, and demonstrates a high level of fitness.

Move #1 Hollow Rock

Move #2 Plank Side Pulse

Move #3 Superman

Fit Tip:

You aren't going to be the fastest, strongest, or most fit from the start. You'll probably never be the fastest, or the strongest, or the most fit, there's always going to be someone more tough than you. Good news is, they aren't your competition, you are! Strive to be the best you that you can be. Better than you were yesterday. All you have to do is START. And you'll be lapping everyone who is still sitting on the couch.


Bruschetta Pesto Chicken Sandwich

31 Days of Fitness- Day 13

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!

Day 13 Workout:

Tabata Workout for moms, but don't worry dads and dudes, you can totally do it! Wink Wink.

Let me know what you think of it! I've been really enjoying this style, makes me feel like a boss! If you love it too, perhaps I'll film my own little circuit!

Fit Tip:

Your stomach has sensors that alert you to when your body is full. But you knew that, here's the trick! You can fool it! Those sensors can be alerted with a big glass of water! Drink 12 ounces of water before your meal, and drink water during your meal too.


This Clean Eating Pizookie dessert is a crowd pleaser!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 12

The Fitness Challenge continues! Join our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP HERE!

Workout: REST DAY! This is a PLANNED Rest Day, which is different from just skipping a workout. Muscles need time to recover, in fact, any time you feel like you need to recover, it's good to take a break from your regular challenging workout and recover. You can take the day completely off to do a detox day...Take some time to yourself (haha, moms), turn off electronics, and turn off screens, even if just for your regular 30 minutes that you would normally be working out. You can also take an "active recovery day" and complete a workout that is less strenuous than usual. You can try yoga, pilates, Piyo, Tai Cheng, and take a brisk walk. Your body needs rest and recover in order to heal and to move forward with your progress.

Please comment in the group with your recovery tasks from today!

Fit Tip:

For the ladies...

When you take charge of your health, it's not just on the inside. Take charge on the inside too! Be a GIRL BOSS and be healthy from the inside out!


Absolutely delicious, Cauliflower Quinoa Patties!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 11

The Fitness Challenge continues! Join our FREE FACEBOOK GROUP HERE!


Grab your dumbbells!

15 Bicep curls
10 Tricep Push Ups
Repeat the above two moves 3 times, then proceed below...
15 Second Plank
15 Front Shoulder Raises
15 Second Plank
15 Pushups (or go until failure, if you really want to push yourself!)

Some examples:

Bicep Curls--

Tricep Push Ups--

Click here for a YouTube Tutorial


Front Should Raise--

Fit Tip:

Posture is so important! Yet, nearly every aspect of modern life can throw off your body’s alignment, robbing you of strength and power, and increasing your risk of injuries, especially when doing exercises like push ups. But you can hit the reset button in as little as five minutes a day by grabbing a balloon and doing the following exercise (called the 90/90 Hip Lift) from Ron Hruska at the Postural Restoration Institute.

Directions: Lie face up with your feet flat against a wall and your knees and hips bent 90 degrees. Place a 4- to 6-inch ball between your knees and extend your right arm above your head; hold a deflated balloon in your left hand by your side. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, tilting your pelvis up so that your tailbone rises off the floor (your lower back should remain on the ground). Hold that pelvic position as you raise your right arm toward the ceiling. Put the balloon to your mouth with your left hand. Inhale through your nose, and then exhale into the balloon as you reach toward the ceiling with your right arm. Hold for three seconds (don’t let the air out of the balloon). Repeat the process two more times, then return to the starting position. That’s 1 round. Do 5 rounds up to three times a day. --Courtesy of Team Beachbody


This one is a biggie! I've got an entire 5 Day Clean Eating Meal Plan for you, complete with recipes! Visit here to download your free copy!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 10

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!

Day 10: I'm so super proud of you for keeping up thus far, we are a third of the way through the month! If you're digging this challenge, you may be interested in some of my upcoming challenge and support groups! To see what I've got coming, visit me here!


Today we are working on getting a FIT UPPER BODY! You want those sexy arms, they look GOOD! Today: Push-ups, Bent-Over Row, Shoulder Press, Bicep Curls, Tricep Kickbacks - 10 reps each - Let's get started!

Follow along with Autumn!

Fit Tip:

Researchers for the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that people who recorded everything they ate for a week lost six more pounds than people who didn’t. Don’t bother buying a notebook— smartphone apps like MyFitnessPal, Lifesum, and Eatly make recording what you eat easy. All three also sync with third party fitness trackers, helping you gain a more holistic view of your health and daily activity. I have a simply 3 Day Food Log available here if you want to give it a try. You can also send me your log and I will help you figure out where your nutrition isn't necessarily conducive to your goals.


I am a PIZZA fanatic! Just because you are eating well, doesn't mean you need to give up pizza... you do need to prepare it differently though. Check out my Spicy Chicken Pizza here!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 9

Happy Saturday! Today, I have a 15 minute sample of Dirty 30, my favorite 21 Day Fix workout! To be included in my next 21 Day Fix Challenge group, where you'll get all the support you need for success, visit me here for more details! Or skip the additional details and fill out an application to get started!


Fit Tip:

I get asked this question a lot! Here's my answer!


Double Chocolate Lava Cake is my go-to dessert because it's a FOUR MINUTE DESSERT... takes 2 minutes to prepare, and another 2 minutes to devour!

31 Days of Fitness- Day 8

It's Day 8! If you are just catching us now, you can still join in! Check out my Blog Page for the recent workouts and be sure to click to join into our Facebook group!

Day 8:

Okay so we did a playground workout for the mommies, now how about an ab workout for those who are at work today! And Happy Friday!

Today's workout: 10 minutes of DEDICATED ab work!

--Office Ab Workout

Comment in the group when you are done with today's workout! If you are not at work, or don't have a set up at home to do this workout, you can do the ab workout on your 21 Day Fix DVD or an ab workout from another program you may have.

Fit Tip:

I know many will be hitting the grocery store this weekend. My tip is, do not go on an empty stomach! You will not only spend more money, you will reach for the unhealthy snacks.

Team Beachbody outlines a study from Cornell University scientists have added a new twist to the classic advice "Don't shop on an empty stomach." Their advice is to eat a piece of fruit before you hit the supermarket. In their study, people who ate an apple before they shopped bought 28 percent more produce than those who had a cookie. They also bought fewer unhealthy items overall. The reason: After eating a healthy snack, your subconscious continues to steer you in the same direction, say the researchers.


I don't know about you, but on the weekend, I start to crave some unhealthy foods! Today I've got a clean eating version of nachos for you! You can use a whole grain chip, or you can use sliced sweet potatoes!

Enjoy! XOXO

31 Days of Fitness- Day 7

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!

Day 7: Are you ready to rock? Good, cause today we are working the booty!


Booty Circles- 1 Minute (tutorial here:

PLUS, Autumn's Booty Workout-

Then Drop it back down again for one more minute of Booty Circles.

NICE JOB!! Be sure to post in the group when you are done!

Fit Tip:

Mind over Matter

Click here for my 5 steps to develop the WILLPOWER to accomplish your goals!


The week is nearly over and I want to give you this weekend breakfast idea in plenty of time to shop for ingredients! This one is DELISH! Must try!

Click for recipe!