January 16, 2016

31 Days of Fitness- Day 16

This series is 3 fold! We've got a Workout of the Day, a Fit Tip, and a Recipe coming at you for each day! You can also post questions in our private Facebook group! CLICK TO JOIN!


Sore to the Core sample workout! My Sore to the Core Challenge will start February 1st. This is a free challenge, so look at for the announcement, would love to have you!

10 Crunches
10 Reverse Crunches (if you're unsure of this move, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAyTBB4lm3I)
10 Leg Raises
40 Second Plank
Repeat two times

Fit Tip:

Plan Active Outings! Burn some calories while you bond with your significant other or your kids. Plus, active outings are so much more fun than sedentary.

Hiking can burn around 400 to 500 calories per hour.
Ice Skating, 390 calories per hour. More than a jog!
Biking, 480 per hour on average.
Jet Skiing, nearly 400 in an hour!
Dancing, Rock Climbing, Jump Rope, Swimming, all between 450 and 700 calories per hour!

Which other fun activities can you think of?

Recipe: Cauliflower Fried Rice, coming to you from Skinny Taste.

This is so good!!! And 21 Day Fixers, you don't have to use a yellow!

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