January 24, 2016

31 Days of Fitness- Day 24

Home stretch! One week left!

Workout: Some of my favorite booty blast moves are in this 10 minute booty workout!

Post in the group when you've finished!

Fit Tip:

Don't forget to JUMP! In your fitness journey and in your life. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN DO! Remember, when I said I was going to workout, my family laughed at me. If I can do it, you can do it! Believe in yourself, and you'll overcome any obstacle.

If you love fitness, I would love to have you on the Fit and Fierce team. We are a group of people who share their love of fitness and health with others, that's it! Anyone can share health and bless someone else.

I love these words from Steve Harvey. Take 6 minutes and listen, it's worth it.

After I tape an episode at Family Feud I spend a few more minutes with the audience. I talk about jumping.

Posted by Steve Harvey on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The only way to see what living is really like, is to jump. Find out what you're really made of, what's your gift?


Peanut Butter and Chocolate Steel Cut Oatmeal, from the Fixate cookbook.

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